Michele is the same one who shared in our last blog--she has taken her time and given some of the most thoughtful answers Dr. Marshall and I have received. Sometimes people fly right through the tutorial and the lessons are not absorbed as well, so when you take the course, remember Michele and take your time.
Michele told us how she looks at detachment:
Michele told us how she looks at detachment:
Detachment is the ability to get on with my life without letting my spouse's bad behaviour negatively affect me. It's not about being mean to someone else; instead, it's about me learning to not participate in "the dance."Then a young man, Piet, is dealing with his female partner and had this to share:
It's when you stop focusing on your narcissistic partner trying to change them or humour them, and start focusing on yourself and the wounds your partner has helped you to identify within yourself and to start working on healing your wounds and become a whole independent person.Good share, Piet. Piet also answered why it is not a good idea to let them treat us badly:
We are perpetuating their bad behaviour if we do this which will ultimately harm them and destroy them. It is better to treat them with respect and never give them a reason to say that we deserve their bad treatment as we treat them similarly or even worse.Congratulations to both this month's graduates Michele S. and Piet P.
I really like this sharing of graduates. I woudl think there woudl be more than a few a month--it is a wonderful workshop.