Monday, December 31, 2012

Can i sue my siblings for verbal abuse and harassment?

It is not just partners that can verbally abuse. We often hear about siblings, parents and coworkers abusing too. it seems that some people just are of the disposition that they don't defend their personal rights. these same people are very often the first to defend the rights of others. I remember taking it and taking it from my husband to the point where he actually hit me once. I kept trying to make it better, but the day he went after my cousin, I had had it. I remember, it was Christmas in the 70's. He had slowly removed me form my family--living away, never letting them visit. So my cousin asked to come for Christmas and he said NO. that was the straw that broke the camel's back...I decided to leave.

Oh Geeze, getting away from the topic--others that abuse. Here is a good one. I almost have to laugh--this person might think about the Respect me Rules and applying them. Her siblings cannot verbally abuse her unless she lets them. read this and see if you can think of one of the Rules that might put an end to this. (hint: boundaries)

Can i sue my siblings for verbal abuse and harassment? - Yahoo! Answers: "Can i sue my siblings for verbal abuse and harassment?
They tormented me and i have a few little videos on my phone showing how they were verbally abusing me and tormenting me so i have proof and will be recording more of it and when i tell them to stop bullying me they won't. "

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dealing with Family Stress During the Holidays |

Here' an article about dealing with stress at Christmas. Unfortunately just when we are supposed to be celebrating love and all the good things in life, along come abuse and the holidays are ruined, again, and again, and again. Why do we allow it? Why not this year have an alternate plan. If the partner that abuses just can't keep it together and wants to drag you and the kids down, have an alternate plan--what? How about going to see the Hobbit together? go to Grandmas for dinner and don't invite the abuser, go to a friends, how about church? Plan to hike at the local can come up with a plan b so that when you hear yourself called a name, or not given a gift (passive aggression) or told that the gift you gave stinks and you don't really love them or you would "know" what he wanted, you have an alternative--

John, I love you but I don't love the way you treat me (describe it), there fore I am going to see the Hobbit and treat myself to popcorn--my Christmas is special to me.

Here's an article that attempts to help you do it better:

Dealing with Family Stress During the Holidays | Stop Child Abuse Now of Northern Virginia: "What does stress do to families during the holidays?
Every family reacts different to stress during the holidays. But some of the most common effects include:
Arguments, fighting and other poor communication skills are more common during the holidays
Fatigue, health problems and general exhaustion because of busy or unusual schedules
Confusion (especially in children) about the real meaning of their family's holiday, other cultural traditions, etc.
More dependence on food, alcohol and other substances"

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Paul Keene strangled fiance after 'verbal abuse'

Here goes a guy who says he "snapped" and strangled his girl friend after she verbally abused him! For many years, men could get away with killing their women in a rage--if the women provoked them, the law said they had an excuse...Geeze--this guy is a left over knuckle dragging neanderthal, and he is actually trying to use this antiquated defense. I am so grateful to all you beautiful people who are recognizing that partnerships are equal--women are not "less than" (nor men)--we are changing the way society looks at these things and it is unlikely this guy will get away with it--not too long ago, he would have.

It appears this woman did verbally abuse her mate, but she paid a dear price for it. God bless her, our hearts go out to her... this is one reason that at Respect me rules, we don't advocate using fire to fight fire.

BBC News - Paul Keene strangled fiance after 'verbal abuse': "Paul Keene, 32, strangled Carmen Gabriela Miron-Buchacra, 28, in a drink-fuelled rage.
Bristol Crown Court was told there had been constant arguments and Miss Miron-Buchacra had believed her fiancé wanted to take her newborn baby away from her.
Mr Keene, of Bath, denies murder but has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of loss of self-control."

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gift: first 20 pages available for download

Just a small Christmas token for our followers.

DOWNLOAD FREE the first 20 pages. Down load to peek inside this book and you can review it.

The book Respect-Me RULES: "I prayed for help in this form and I believe my prayer has been answered. I recognize the fact that in allowing this abuse for almost 30 years, something must change with me before anything else will change.  ~SC

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Verbal Abuse: The Cornerstone of a Healthy Relationship - renegade mothering

This is a sorted article by a realistic mother--I don't know whether to hug her or kick her! she admits that every relationship is messy--BUT she believes that verbal abuse is "healthy"...Hmmm. she says we will always fight--yeah. But do we have to fight with belittling? With degrading? With name-calling--without respect for each other? NO, I do not believe that "healthy" equals abuse. Janelle has spunk--she can hold her own, she dishes it out as well as takes it. She describes several fights in her blog.

It funny, she's funny, but she is confusing what verbal and emotional abuse really is. In her relationship, she is an equal--in abusive relationships  one partner ti more equal than the one they are abusing---so no Janelle, verbal abuse in most cases is not healthy. But to each his own--its fun to read about her relationship.

Verbal Abuse: The Cornerstone of a Healthy Relationship - renegade mothering: "So basically they’ve lied to us again. They lied about adulthood (it really isn’t that fun). They lied about motherhood (one word: Babycenter). And now, they’ve lied about marriage, telling us that unless we sit down in a perfectly calm manner, thoughtfully “adapting” to one another, listening with the attention of a thousand Zen monks, our marriage will fail.
As far as I can see it, marriage is messy. It’s ugly. It’s disheveled and weird and clunky. It’s a whole lot a of tenacity thrown in with bit of romance.
You know what it is? IT’S FUCKING WORK."

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