Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Abused animals can recover mentally and emotionally

I have a little rescue dog--5 lbs that I took in a few years ago. He was so wounded and so neglected that when you through a toy, he cringed. I thought Zipper would never be normal, but in a couple  of years, he was a normal dog--hey ladies--if Zipper can do it, so can we!
This is a good study--read it.

New study finds abused animals can recover mentally and emotionally - Birmingham science news | "The surprising results were that the majority of goats that had experienced neglect or abuse in the past displayed a higher level of goal seeking for food in a never before seen environment than the goats that had never been neglected or abused.
The researchers conclude that the removal of the stress of neglect and abuse produced a return to normal behavior and may have produced added resilience to the goat's behaviors."

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Respect Me Rules Workshop --Certificates
We have a lot of folks receiving their Certificates in Verbal Abuse Defense. Sometimes people rush through the lessons and they don't receive the benefits that they could. So when you go through the course, slow down and let the  courses soak in.

Congratulations to

for this weeks certificates. The new work book in verbal defense is published and with the vendors--we will keep you posted!
Respect Me Rules Workshop Introduction: "Our FREE Web-based Tutorial will help you understand abusive issues in depth. On this page we present a brief introduction to the tutorial and some guidelines. The tutorial is divided into four sections designed to help build your understanding of the skills used by those who go from victim to victor. The tutorial is free but you must complete all four forms at the end of each section in order to earn your Verbal Abuse Defense Certificate."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dr. Irene's Verbal Abuse (Site)!

I just love Dr. Irene's web site on verbal abuse. she has helped so many people. On this page are the stories of a man and woman who came from separate abusive relationships and finally found each other. Dr. Irene doesn't comment but invites readers to--what do you think? It's a good exercise to supplement the online line tutorial

Dr. Irene's Verbal Abuse (Site)!: "Merging: 1 Female + 1 Male Survivor = 1 Couple"

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