Thursday, May 3, 2007

Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out: Verbal beatings hurt as much as sexual abuse

We already knew this but its nice that Harvard is coming on board!

Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out: Verbal beatings hurt as much as sexual abuse: "Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But names will never hurt me. …

That often repeated children’s rhyme is wrong, according to Harvard University psychiatrists. Scolding, swearing, yelling, blaming, insulting, threatening, ridiculing, demeaning, and criticizing can be as harmful as physical abuse, sexual abuse outside the home, or witnessing physical abuse at home, notes a report in the April issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter.

The report suggests that, when verbal abuse is constant and severe, it creates a risk of post-traumatic stress disorder, the same type of psychological collapse experienced by combat troops in Iraq. The research on which the report is based points out that children who are the target of frequent verbal mistreatment exhibit higher rates of physical aggression, delinquency, and social problems than other children."

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