Goodbye: A poem by Jennifer written on the night she left.Our hits per day have gone up dramtically. Many many women and a few guys have requested the tutorial. The ones who stick with it are reporting dramatic changes in their outlook on their relationships. Some choose to leave, but many are learning to make their relationships work--they learned to stop the abuse and had a spouse tht didn't look for sicker pasturers!
Pen Pal Psycho: In spite of some red flags here and there, she was blind). Here is Alexandrea's story from Portegal
Why so some people not do the lessons in the turtorial? Well some are still pretty angry and they want to blame and get revenge . They are not yet ready to take repsonibility what what they allow to happen to them. Others are so into the pattern that it scares them to think of stopping. Still others are afraid to "rock the boat" for many reasons--they still are not ready. What about you? Or those you care about. Are they ready?
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